Thanksgiving: Mashed Potatoes

I can't imagine Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes, so I made a big batch for my family. This is more or less the general method I use to make mashed potatoes - I chop up a bag of Yukon Gold (or Russet) potatoes and put them in a big pot, fill it with water, add a generous pinch of salt and boil until tender. Drain and return to the hot pot. Drop in a few tablespoons of butter, a few generous splashes of milk, and a few big dollops of sour cream. Season well with salt and pepper and mash to your desired consistency. Sometimes I add cream cheese, and sometimes I peel the potatoes - it's totally up to how rich you want them. If they're too thick, add more milk. They're always great! I topped them with some of the gravy that my in-laws brought over, and it was perfect!

Big Flavors Rating: 5 Stars

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