I picked up some buffalo steaks from the store, and seasoned them up simply with some Penzeys Arizona Dreaming, salt and pepper. I seared them in a skillet on both sides and finished them in the oven. They were pretty good! The meat was super tender. I wish I would have gotten a better sear on them, though. Dino made a sauce for them with mayo, horseradish and dill (one of my favorite sauces to go with steak). I served them with some green and wax beans from the Garden Fairy (ones that we helped her plant a while back) that I sauteéd in olive oil with garlic, onion, and a little white wine vinegar. It was a quick and easy meal.
Big Flavors Rating: 4 StarsLabels: arizona dreaming, bean, buffalo, dill, easy, garlic, green bean, horseradish, mayo, onion, penzeys, sauce, steak, vinegar, wax bean