Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Citrus Lift

There's a restaurant nearby that makes a juice that's a combination of celery, apples, oranges and lemons, and we really love it. I woke up with a sore throat yesterday, and I thought this would be a great drink to try to recreate. It turned out really great, and it made a lot for us to enjoy for a few days.

Citrus Lift
Inspired by Nevaeh Cuisine

1 bunch of celery
5 apples
5 oranges
3 lemons

Using a juicer, process celery, apples, oranges and lemons. Whisk and enjoy!

Big Flavors Rating: 4 Stars


  1. Looks like I need to get a juicer!! I have been nursing this sore throat for about 7 days too long, and this would be the perfect remedy.

  2. Well, everything I like EXCEPT the celery, but I suppose that really adds some nutrients to the mix.

    I'll give it a try, but if necessary I will dump the celery!


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